honored to have been asked to give this closing talk on the subject of the
future of liberty, at the very end of
this highly intensive week of classes you’ve just been through,
classes that all relate to this vital subject.
sure you all realize how unusual this week has been. What you may be used
to, if you attend an American college or university that is committed to
“multiculturalism” and “diversity,” is, it’s been said, being
exposed to the “multiculturalism” of experiencing what it’s like to
live in the culture of a totalitarian country—on your own campus!—and
to the “diversity” of being taught by Marxists of all races and
subcultures. That is, an environment in which no views are tolerated but
those deemed to be “politically correct”—correct by people who
don’t know the difference between true and false or right and wrong and
often attack the very existence of these concepts, and who are thus the
last people in the world to be in a position to judge the actual
correctness of anything.
it is certainly rare enough in today’s educational world to encounter a
single pro-capitalist professor here or there. But to have an entire
faculty of fourteen pro-capitalist professors, offering so many
classes that you actually have to choose which ones to take—that’s
altogether unheard of, at least outside the Mises Institute. The existence
of this program—The Mises Summer University—itself signifies a major
milestone in the struggle for liberty and is a really huge accomplishment
of the Mises Institute. In fact, in a very real sense, this program can be
viewed as the beginning of the future of liberty from this point forward.
want to explain why I think so.
should be understood as freedom from the government, specifically, freedom
from the initiation of physical force by the government. The existence
of a government has the potential to secure the individual’s freedom
from the initiation of physical force by other private individuals. It
actually does so insofar as the government enacts and enforces laws
against such acts as murder, robbery, rape, assault and battery, and
fraud. However, the existence of government, as we know all too well,
itself poses the greatest potential threat to freedom. The Gestapo and the
KGB, for example, make private criminal gangs like the Mafia or the Capone
mob look not only tame by comparison, but almost kind and friendly—so
utterly and massively vicious can governments be. So the real issue in
freedom is freedom from the government—that is, liberty.
many years, freedom and liberty have been in great peril in the United
States. To gauge their present state, it is perhaps sufficient to realize
that today the average successful businessman probably has more to fear
from the government than does the average mugger. Again and again, the
muggers and other violent criminals either are not apprehended or are
quickly turned loose in revolving-door justice. At the same time, again
and again, successful businessmen are prey to an army of government
agencies enforcing arbitrary, unintelligible, and contradictory rules and
has been a thorough perversion of government. It has more and more stopped
doing what it should be doing, namely, protecting its citizens from the
initiation of physical force, and at the same time has more and more been
doing what it should not be doing, namely, itself initiating physical
force against its citizens. In other words, the government has more and
more failed in securing the individual’s freedom against violation by
other private individuals and has itself more and more violated his
did this happen? It was not always this way, at least not to anywhere near
the present extent.
Founding Fathers of the United States understood very well the nature of
freedom and liberty and the enormous threat posed to them by government.
In the strongest possible terms, the Declaration of Independence upholds
the principle of inalienable individual rights and the proposition that
governments are created for no other purpose than to secure the rights of
the individual and, indeed, are to be overthrown when they become
destructive of that end. The Constitution of the United States and its
Bill of Rights are to be understood as an attempt to control and regulate
government—to chain and cage it, in order to stop a vicious beast from
being unleashed on the citizens. It is to protect the citizens from their
government that the Constitution provides for a division of powers and
system of checks and balances between three distinct branches of
government and two distinct levels of government, and contains the series
of amendments known as the Bill of Rights that makes whole categories of
legislation flatly illegal.
on the foundation of its Constitution, for most of its history, the United
States really was a free country—of course, by no means completely or
perfectly, and certainly not for everyone. Negro slavery was a blatant
contradiction of the principle that the individual has the right to the
pursuit of his own happiness. And women lived under major legal
disabilities, such as being denied the right to own property. But for the
white, male population, there was far more liberty than there is now. For
example, other than in the Civil War, there was no income tax before 1913
and, before 1887, not a single federal regulatory agency. The way things should
have developed was that the freedoms and liberty enjoyed by white
males should have been fully extended to blacks and to women and, at the
same time, the extent of liberty and freedom should have been enlarged for
It certainly did
not happen this way. Why?
The reason things have worked out so differently than they should
have is that from the beginning there was a fundamental weakness—a major
gap—in the case for liberty that became increasingly apparent over the
course of the 19th and 20th centuries, and that
ultimately served to marginalize and trivialize it. The nature of the gap
is indicated in such beliefs as that the Jeffersonian concept of liberty
applies only to a society made up mainly of small, independent farmers and
does not apply to a modern, industrial society. Indeed, Jefferson himself
appears to have believed this, and for this very reason, to have feared
the United States ever becoming an industrial country, such as England had
already become.
A modern, industrial society is allegedly governed by different
natural laws than those which apply in the Jeffersonian world. What causes
the alleged difference is that the Jeffersonian world is comprised
essentially of equals, whereas the modern industrial world is comprised of
unequals: On the one side, there is a small minority that owns the great
bulk of the means of production—i.e., the capitalists. On the other
side, there is the great majority of the population—the wage
earners—who own little or none of the means of production. In this state
of affairs, it is held, the capitalist minority is in a position
systematically to exploit the great wage-earning majority, and would, if
left free, drive wage rates down to, or even below, the level of minimum
subsistence while at the same time lengthening the hours of work and
worsening the conditions of work to the maximum extent possible. This, of
course, is the substance of the Marxian exploitation theory.
On the basis of such beliefs, freedom can easily be ridiculed as
“the freedom to starve” and free wage earners can be made to appear as
slaves—“wage slaves,” by whose employment the capitalists allegedly
earn profit on precisely the same foundation as slave owners gain from the
ownership of slaves, namely, the fact that workers can work more hours
than is required to produce their means of subsistence. The extra hours
they work over and above the hours necessary to produce their means of
subsistence, or its equivalent, is
held to be “surplus labor time,” which is supposed to be the
foundation of “surplus value”—Marx’s catch all expression for
profits, interest, and land rent.
Despite the
overthrow of socialism in many countries, the Marxian exploitation theory
is as influential in the United States today as it has ever been. It is
the lens through which the great majority of people, and probably
an even greater majority of intellectuals, see laissez-faire
capitalism. It is what terrifies people of the very prospect of
laissez-faire capitalism.
Just consider. What do most people believe would happen if
pro-union and minimum-wage legislation were repealed? What do they believe
would happen if maximum-hours laws and child-labor legislation were
repealed? They believe that then the capitalists would proceed to drive
down wage rates all the way to the minimum subsistence level if not lower,
that the hours and conditions of work would worsen to or beyond the point
of horror, including small children working once again in the mines.
The Marxian
exploitation theory permeates people’s beliefs concerning modern
economic history. It leads them to believe that the reason for the
miserably bad economic conditions that existed in the early years of
capitalism, in the late 18th
and the early 19th centuries, was precisely that then
the capitalists had economic freedom; they had liberty; and what
they did with it was cause poverty and misery for everyone else. It leads
people also to believe that what improved conditions later in the 19th
century, and in the 20th century, was government intervention,
most notably, labor legislation.
The Marxian
exploitation theory has permeated the legislative agenda of the so-called
liberals for over a century. It underlies not only all of the labor laws
but also the whole program of confiscatory income and inheritance taxation
on the one side and welfare-state spending on the other. These measures
are perceived merely as the government taking back from the capitalist
exploiters some of their ill-gotten gains and then expending the proceeds
for the benefit of the capitalists’ victims, in such forms as public
education, public housing, social security, socialized medicine, and so
As I wrote
in my book, “. . . the validity
of the exploitation theory is so taken for granted that `liberal’
politicians routinely campaign on the assumption that no possible basis
can exist for opposing their allegedly humanitarian projects except
membership in the class of the `rich’—that is, of the capitalist
exploiters —or else some utterly perverse desire to prevent the great
mass of people from being benefitted at no cost to themselves.”
me to say a little bit more about this last point, concerning the
allegedly costless benefits of interventionism to the wage earners.
According to the exploitation theory, if wages are increased because of
government intervention, the effect is essentially the same as if the
labor time needed to produce the wage earners’ necessities had
increased. Namely, the wage earners will then receive the benefit of a
larger portion of their labor, and surplus labor time and profits will be
correspondingly reduced. It is believed that the intervention has
absolutely no negative effect of any kind on the wage earners. The only
negative effect, allegedly, is on the profits of the exploiters, and that,
of course, is a negative that no one but the capitalists need be concerned
if the hours of work are shortened, or child labor abolished, the only
parties that allegedly lose are the capitalists. All that’s happened
allegedly is that once again surplus labor time and surplus value have
been reduced, while the wage earners get the benefit of shorter hours and
having their children at home or in school. In the same way, any costs
imposed on business for the purpose of improving working conditions, or
any thing else of general benefit, allegedly comes out of surplus labor
time and profit, and not at all out of wages.
Now public
opinion, of course, does not think explicitly in terms of necessary labor
time and surplus labor time, but it comes to conclusions identical to
those reached by the leftist intellectuals who do think in such terms. It
thinks that the cost of government intervention is at the expense of the
capitalist exploiters and that the intervention thus represents an
unadulterated benefit to the wage earning masses. This mindset applies to
all government intervention, including such things as environmental
legislation and consumer product safety legislation. It’s almost
universally assumed that the cost of such measures simply comes out of
profits and as far as the wage earning masses are concerned the measures
represent pure benefit.
The influence of the exploitation theory even serves to corrupt
criminal law. Poor criminals are perceived as not really being criminals
but merely as helpless victims responding to the social injustices that
surround them. This, of course, weakens all efforts to punish and restrain
To sum all this up, what has made history take a dreadfully wrong
turn and destroy liberty is the triumph of the Marxian view of the nature
of laissez-faire capitalism and of the consequences of government
intervention. Marxism has caused a complete distortion in how liberty and
its violation are perceived. It has caused liberty to be perceived as
the means whereby a handful of capitalist exploiters impoverish the wage-
earning masses, and the violation of liberty to be perceived as the means
whereby the state enriches the wage earning masses at the expense of their
In the face of the influence of the exploitation theory, liberty
could not help but be destroyed. The remarkable thing is that its
destruction has not gone even further than it has.
It should be obvious that an essential prerequisite for the
restoration of liberty is a thorough refutation of Marxism.
Only one
man has accomplished this. And that is Ludwig von Mises. He has demolished
the entire Marxian world view. He has pursued it up every intellectual
alley, into every hiding place, and demonstrated its utter fallaciousness.
In its stead, he has presented a radically different view of the nature of
laissez-faire capitalism and of the modern economic world, one that
demonstrates that it is precisely economic freedom that both brings about
a modern, industrial society and is necessary to its maintenance and
flourishing, to the benefit of all.
As just one, major example (which in the highly compressed form in
which I give it cannot begin to do him justice): he shows that in a market
economy, privately owned means of production operate to the benefit of
everyone, including the nonowners, who, in fact, obtain the far greater
part of the benefit. The nonowners benefit from the means of
production owned by the capitalists whenever they sell their labor that is
used in conjunction with those means of production or buy products
produced with the aid of those means of production. In other words, the
nonowners of the means of production benefit from the means of production owned
by others, insofar as those means of production are the source of the
demand for the labor they sell and of the supply of the products that they
could be more obvious, once it is named, than that in order to
benefit from an automobile factory or an oil refinery, one does not have
to own that automobile factory or oil refinery but simply be in a position
to buy its products. Amazingly, this is something that hardly anyone but
Mises actually realizes. According to the views of most people, expressed
countless times over, the only ones who benefit from the means of
production are the owners, and the only ones who suffer as the result of
their destruction are the owners.
In total
opposition to the prevailing ignorance, Mises shows that, in fact, thanks
to the freedoms of initiative and competition, and the profit-and-loss
incentives of capitalism, the benefits going to the nonowners of the means
of production are not only immense and constitute the far greater part of
the benefits provided by the privately owned means of production, but
become progressively greater and greater as businessmen and capitalists
bring about ever better products and more efficient methods of production.
Precisely for these reasons, he shows, the average wage earner in any
modern capitalist country is able to enjoy a material standard of living
greater than that of kings and emperors of former times, even including
great monarchs as recent as Queen Victoria. In other words, he
demonstrates why it is incomparably better to be a non-owner of means of
production under capitalism than an alleged equal owner under
socialism. Capitalism and economic freedom, he shows, instead of being a
system operating only in the interest of a small minority, is a system
that operates in the interest of everyone. Thus, Mises demolishes
the doctrines of class interest and class warfare along with the
exploitation theory.
I certainly
do not wish to imply that Mises’s work is limited to the overcoming of
Marxism, though that is certainly an enormously important part of it. His
writings deal with every significant aspect of economics and
decisively answer virtually every economic fallacy that stands in the way
of economic freedom. Only lack of time prevents me from elaborating
restoration of liberty must begin with the reading and study of Mises.
This is by far the most important single point I have to make. And that,
of course, is what I hope all of you will do when you return to your
various colleges and universities. That is what is essential if the
prevailing Marxian worldview is ever to be overthrown. The restoration of
liberty will be on a sure path only when the influence of Mises
replaces the influence of Marx.
If any of
you personally, and I want to speak to each of you now as an individual,
wants someday to make an important contribution to the cause of liberty, the
most important single thing you can do is read and study the works of von
Mises. In my judgment, no advocate of liberty can consider himself
truly educated if he has not done this. (And even if you do not consider
yourself an advocate of liberty, and want to oppose it, but do so honestly
and fairly, it is the ideas of Mises that you must study. Either way,
Mises is the man to study.)
may want to start with some of Mises’s smaller books, like Planning
for Freedom, Bureaucracy, Omnipotent Government, and Liberalism
(also titled The Free and Prosperous Commonwealth). But, as soon as
possible, you should also go on to read his major works: Socialism,
Human, Action, The Theory of Money and Credit, and Theory and
History. Get a copy of Mises Made Easier by Percy Greaves.
It’s an extensive glossary and will help with many of the historical
references and foreign-language quotations. And for similar reasons, use
the Liberty Fund edition of Socialism.
Now I know that
reading Mises’s major works is not easy, but believe me, it will have
major benefits for you even beyond the enormous knowledge and sense of
personal enlightenment you will acquire by doing so. While the human brain
is not a muscle, I know from my own experience that its powers can
definitely be increased by reading
and studying his books and making the effort required to grasp the vitally
important connections he makes.
Now I do not say that Mises is the only author you should read,
even in economics. But I do say that for several years at least, his
writings should constitute the main core of your studies, if your goal is
real understanding of the world and to be able to advance the cause of
liberty in a significant way.
There are some excellent books by Henry Hazlitt, notably Economics
in One Lesson and The Great Idea (also titled Time Will Run
Back). They should be read very early on, since they’re in the
nature of brilliant introductions. The same is true of Bastiat’s Economic
Sophisms and The Law. Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged and
many of her essays should also be read. Böhm-Bawerk’s three-volume Capital
and Interest is a vitally important advanced book, which Mises himself
strongly recommended. There are numerous other books as well, some of them
by our very own faculty at this Mises Summer University, and you will have
no trouble finding many of them in the catalog of the Mises Institute. And
you should also be sure to
read the books of the British classical economists, from whom there is
actually a great deal to learn, and even those of the major enemies of
capitalism, such as Marx and Keynes, if you want to be really confident of
your ability to make the case for liberty.
And I have to say to all the undergraduates who are present that
your studies should not be limited even to the fields of economics and
political philosophy as a whole. Mises himself never tired of insisting on
the importance of a knowledge of history, literature, and philosophy, and
of science and mathematics.
We live in
an age of educational disintegration and chaos, but that need not stop you
from obtaining a serious education. The earlier you are in your college
career, the more you have the ability to see to it that you nevertheless
actually learn something. Take courses that will require you to read the
great literary classics of Greece, Rome, the Renaissance, and the
Enlightenment. Take courses in mathematics and natural science (though be
sure to stay away from any that may advertise themselves as having any
kind of environmentalist application). If you fear you are not yet
sufficiently proficient in writing, by all means take a course or two in
English composition.
possible, wherever it can be fitted into the subject matter of a course,
choose term paper topics that will require you to read Mises and/or apply
the knowledge you have already learned from him. Thesis topics along these
lines are exceptionally valuable.
Now let me
to try to project what might happen someday if there were thousands or
tens of thousands of bright, articulate men and women who had seriously
studied and understood Mises, along the lines I have just recommended to
you. If that happened, the intellectual influence of Mises would in fact
come to rival that of Marx today. And the result would be that our culture
would be very different from what it is today. There would be major
changes not only in economics texts, but in history and philosophy books,
in newspapers and magazines, in novels and plays, in movies and television
shows. A major fundamental development would undoubtedly also be the
emergence of a substantial group of people seriously dedicated to working
for the long-range goal of the actual establishment of laissez-faire
And now allow me briefly to project the
ultimate success of this imagined cultural-political movement.
achievement of the goal of laissez-faire capitalism, if and when it
occurred, would mean the reduction of government to the purely defensive
role of protecting the individual citizen from the initiation of physical
force, whether by common criminals or by foreign, aggressor governments.
It would make possible a reduction in government spending, at all levels,
on the order of ninety percent, and an even more substantial
reduction in the government’s influence on people’s lives. For
example, the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency would result
in the elimination of the government’s ability to dictate the spending
of hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars of private funds,
which is the situation that now exists. And similarly for all other
administrative agencies.
personal and corporate income taxes would be abolished, along with the
inheritance and capital gains taxes. Social security, medicare, and
medicaid would be abolished, along with the special taxes to pay for them.
The great majority of today’s Cabinet departments and all of the
administrative agencies would disappear. Even those Cabinet departments
which survived would do so only in a substantially reduced form. For
example, the Department of Justice would be shorn of its Antitrust
Division, which would be abolished, and, of course, the Treasury
Department would lose the IRS, which would be abolished.
In effect,
the government would be reduced to the role of a night watchman and the
honest, peaceful citizen would hardly be aware of its existence.
possession of this ultimate goal would serve as a guide and standard for
the political action leading to its achievement. Those who held this goal
would be motivated to advocate specific measures moving the country in its
direction. They would systematically and repeatedly introduce proposals
designed to reduce the power of the state and increase liberty. In so
doing, they would seize the political initiative from the left, which even
now never tires of advocating measures leading in the direction of
socialism and does not rest until they become law. Just so, the advocates
of laissez-faire capitalism would not give up in the face of
political setbacks, but continue with the advocacy of all essential
features of their program for however long it might take for them to be
Given the
necessary change in the intellectual-cultural environment that I have
depicted, the time required to effect major political change might not be
all that long. This is because the intellectual opposition to liberty has
already largely collapsed and is able to continue only on the strength of
inertia and the absence of any widespread
educated support for liberty. Consider: In little more than a
generation, the left has abandoned its previous claims to represent reason
and science and has now openly degenerated to the point where its attitude
toward reason and science is indistinguishable from that of a mob of
torch-bearing, terrified Transylvanian peasants, such as depicted in an
old Boris Karloff or Bela Lugosi movie, gathered outside Frankenstein’s
castle to denounce the frightening “experiments” going on there. That
is the left today. That is its view of science. A future generation of
new, Misesian intellectuals, just a few thousand strong, should certainly
be able to overcome such opposition and ultimately succeed not only in
restoring liberty but in bringing it to its full and consistent
in my account of the future of liberty, there are two major gaps. One
concerns the specific course of action to be followed by a movement aiming
at the establishment of laissez-faire. I have some things to say
about this in the final chapter of my book
Capitalism. I will say nothing further about
it here. The other, and far more immediate gap, is how to proceed from
where we are now to the point of the advocacy of liberty becoming a major
cultural-political movement in the first place.
believe that somewhere along the way, programs such as this will have to
expand into summer-long programs and then into full-year and multi-year
programs, and be replicated in many different places. In other words, the
advocates of liberty will need to become an important part of the system
of higher education, exerting a major influence on their students, who
will carry on the struggle in the next generation in a wide variety of
forms. The program of study that I’ve urged you to follow is aimed at
making you qualified to participate in that process.
economics’ concept of the
period of production is very apt here. The struggle for liberty,
especially to the point of achieving the necessary number of educated,
articulate intellectual supporters, represents a very long, roundabout
process of production. That is in the nature of what is required to change
the outlook of a whole society. There simply is no shortcut method, at
least none that I can see.
This raises a problem of motivation. On the one hand, as I’ve
shown, there is a huge amount of demanding intellectual work to be done by
everyone who wants to meaningfully contribute to the cause of liberty. On
the other hand, it will probably be many, many years before visible change
will appear in the intellectual state of our society and culture.
Fortunately, I believe that whoever takes up the work of seriously
advancing the cause of liberty will quickly find great personal reward in
it and continue to do so throughout the years he devotes to it. For it has
truly been said that “he who fights for the future, lives in it.”
This, I think, is merely another way of saying that there is great reward
in the pursuit of truth and justice, which, in the last analysis, is what
making the case for liberty is all about. For it is right that men
be free, and true that they must be free if they are to prosper.
this subject, Mises himself wrote: “The
great social discussion cannot proceed otherwise than by means of the
thought, will, and action of individuals. Society lives and acts only in
individuals; it is nothing more than a certain attitude on their part.
Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders; no one is relieved of
his share of responsibility by others. And no one can find a safe way out
for himself if society is sweeping towards destruction. Therefore
everyone, in his own interests, must thrust himself vigorously into the
intellectual battle. None can stand aside with unconcern; the interests of
everyone hang on the result. Whether he chooses or not, every man is drawn
into the great historical struggle, the decisive battle into which our
epoch has plunged us.”
I’d like
to close by congratulating all of you students for having completed this
rigorous weeklong program, all of my fellow faculty members—Professors
Anderson, DiLorenzo, Garrison, Gordon, Herbener, Hoppe, Hülsmann, Klein,
Nataf, Raico, Salerno, Thornton, and Vedder—for having taught it, and
Lew Rockwell, Jeff Tucker, Kristy Holmes, and the whole Mises Institute
and its staff for having made it possible.
Thank you.