The Jefferson School has begun the publication of the literary version of Leonard
Peikoff's twenty-four lectures on the history of Western philosophy. Edited by Linda
Reardan, Ph.D., this is the same excellent material you have probably heard on tape, but in
the form of a polished literary rendition, so that you can now read and study it in the
way it deserves. The lectures are the only available source of the Objectivist view on all
of the essential doctrines of all of the major philosophers in history. They are being
made available serially, one at a time, in booklet form over a period of several years.
The first five lectures of Founders of Western Philosophy: Thales to Hume are already
available. You can order them directly from TJS at the specially discounted
price of $10.95 each, e.g., $54.75 for the five, instead of at the regular price of $14.95
Here are the contents of
the first five lectures, which you can order now.
Lecture 1, The First Problem: Are There Any Absolutes?
This booklet contains 48 pages of text plus a list of books on the history of
philosophy recommended by Dr. Peikoff, and a list of study questions prepared by the
editor. Its contents include: Why Study the History of Philosophy? Definition of
Philosophy, Time Line of the History of Philosophy, Philosophy's Birthplace, The First
Questions, Thales, The Philosophy of Flux, The Philosophy of the Motionless Universe, The
Mind-Body Opposition Enters Western Philosophy. Special TJS Price: $10.95 (Regular
Price: $14.95.) Read an excerpt.
Lecture 2, The First Answers and Their Climax: The
Metaphysics of Two Worlds
This booklet also contains 48 pages of text, plus a list of study questions prepared by
the editor. Its contents include: Three Overall Approaches to Philosophy, The Birth of
Determinism: the Materialism of Democritus, The Birth of It Seems to Me . . .:
the Skepticism of the Sophists, Might Makes Right, Socrates' Discovery of
Universals, Plato's Metaphysics: the Sensible World and the World of Ideal Forms.
Special TJS Price: $10.95 (Regular Price: $14.95.)
an excerpt.
Lecture 3, The Metaphysics of Two Worlds: Its Results in
This World
56 pp. Contents include: The Apex of Plato's Reality; Plato's Epistemology: Knowledge as a
Mixture of Logical Deduction, Reminiscence, and Mystical Insight; The Myth of the Cave;
Socrates' Ethical Teachings; Plato's Psychology and Ethics: Man as Torn Between Reason and
Emotion; Philosopher-Kings and the Political Ideal of Communism. Special
TJS Price:
$10.95 (Regular Price: $14.95.) Read
an excerpt.
Lecture 4, A Revolution: The Birth of Reason, Part I
55 pp. Contents include: Aristotle. Epistemology: sensory evidence as the base of
knowledgethe laws of logicinduction and syllogismthe nature of
truththe rules of definitionthe common fallacies. Metaphysics and psychology:
the relation of universals and particularspotentiality and actualitythe four
causes of change. Special TJS Price: $10.95 (Regular Price: $14.95.) Read
an excerpt.
Lecture 5, A Revolution: The Birth of Reason, Part II
pp. Contents
include: Aristotle's metaphysics and psychology, continued: the
Unmoved Mover--the nature and functions of the soul. Aristotle's
ethics and politics: happiness as the moral goal--the
place of reason in the good life--self-realization: the role of
contemplation and of practical action--the Golden Mean--the Great-Souled
Man--the ideal society.
Special TJS Price: $10.95 (Regular Price: $14.95.)*
Read an excerpt.
Note: Lecture 5
will not come to you automatically, as it would have under our former
subscription arrangement. We have had to discontinue that arrangement, i.e., our
practice of shipping lectures to subscribers and then waiting for payment,
because too many of our subscribers decided to ignore payment for Lecture 4,
even though they not only received an invoice with the lecture itself but were
also sent a second invoice as a reminder. (Any former
subscriber who has received and not yet paid for Lecture 4 will be required to
pay the full, $14.95 price for it, before being able to purchase Lecture
All Five Lectures Together
If you want to buy all five lectures for $54.75, make it simple and
click below.
Please note: Lecture prices include all postage and handling via book
rate and international
surface mail
Also by Peikoff
Objectivism: The Philosophy
of Ayn Rand
A valuable, comprehensive exposition of Ayn Rand's philosophy,
493 pp.
remember to complete your purchases from TJS before going to
The Ominous Parallels
A major work, written during Miss Rand's lifetime, that applies
her philosophy to the interpretation of the history of the United States and of modern
Germany. 383 pp.
remember to complete your purchases from TJS before going to
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