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The Real Right to Medical Care Versus Socialized
43 pages of text. This pamphlet upholds the rational right to buy all the medical care
one wishes from willing providers. It shows how the displacement of this right by the
pseudo-right to medical care based on need has created all aspects of the medical crisis.
The pamphlet contains a thorough-going analysis of the Clinton plan for socialized
medicine and shows not only how a free market in medical care would solve the medical
crisis and make medical care progressively better and more affordable, but also what
specific steps need to be taken to achieve such a free market. It is full of powerful
intellectual ammunition designed to enable the advocates of individual rights and economic
freedom to take the offensive on this vital issue. $5.95. Read
an excerpt.
Freedom of Opportunity, Not Equality of
A 13 page pamphlet that shows the irrationalist and collectivist foundations of the
idea of equality of opportunity and, in opposition, shows why opportunities are both
superabundant and the product of human thought and effort, requiring individual freedom
for their successful exploitation. The pamphlet upholds the idea of the self-made
man and demonstrates how and why in later lifein a free societychildren
born to poor parents can, and again and again do, overtake and surpass the children of far
wealthier parents. $3.25. Read an
A 14 page pamphlet explaining the nature of individual freedom and its role as the
foundation of personal safety, peace, and economic security. In exploding the perverted
anarchic concept of freedom, the pamphlet demonstrates why such actions as capriciously
shouting fire in a crowded theater do not constitute an exercise of freedom
but a violation of freedom, and that there are absolutely no justifiable restrictions of
individual freedom. The pamphlet traces all of the growing problems experienced by the
United States today to its government's growing violations of the country's own
magnificent founding principle of individual freedom. $3.25. Read
an excerpt.
Capitalism: The Cure
for Racism
A seventeen-thousand-word pamphlet that explains how capitalism and the unhampered
profit motive achieve equal pay for equal work and operate against all aspects of racial
prejudice in the marketplace, and how the unjust treatment of blacks in contemporary
American society is the result of the mixed economy, not capitalism. $4.95. Read
an excerpt.
The Toxicity of
This 24 page pamphlet, written on the foundation of Objectivist philosophy and
procapitalist economic theory, is the most powerful and convincing critique of
environmentalism available. From intrinsic value to global
warming, it exposes the rampant errors and contradictions of the movement and shows
its profound hatred of human values. It demonstrates why the real problem of the
industrialized world is not environmental pollution but philosophical
corruption, of which environmentalism, with its hatred of science and technology, is the
leading contemporary manifestation. The pamphlet concludes with a call for a cleanup of
the environmentthe philosophical-intellectual environmentbased on the
introduction of the writings of Ayn Rand and Ludwig von Mises into college and university
curricula. $4.25. Read an
Education and the
Racist Road to Barbarism
A 13 page pamphlet that explains the nature and universal value of Western
civilization, and why the efforts to replace its teaching with Afro-centric
and Latino-centric studies are based on racism and imply the destruction of
education. This pamphlet is a well-deserved intellectual slap in the face of today's
fascists, who seek to impose political correctness on America's schools and
universities. $3.25. Read an
Classical Economics Versus the Exploitation
A 19 page pamphlet demolishing all aspects of the Marxian exploitation theory on the
basis of theoretical foundations supplied by Classical economics and thus pointing the way
to the reintroduction of Classical economics as a major and vital element in the defense
of capitalism. $3.75. Read an
Platonic Competition
A 15 page pamphlet that demolishes the philosophical and theoretical foundations of
antitrust policy. In opposition to prevailing doctrines, the pamphlet explains why price
competition is an omnipresent phenomenon under capitalism. Reprinted from Ayn Rand's The
Objectivist, it is an excellent antidote to much of the error in contemporary
microeconomics courses. $3.25. Read
an excerpt.
Production Versus Consumption
An 11 page pamphlet showing why the production of wealth, not the artificial creation
of the need and desire to consume, is the fundamental problem of economic life. The
pamphlet develops the implications of these opposing basic economic premises for
understanding the economic effects of machinery, war, government spending, population
growth, advertising, technological progress, and inflation. The subject of a full Newsweek
column by Henry Hazlitt, when it originally appeared in The Freeman, this pamphlet is an
antidote to much of the error in contemporary macroeconomics courses inspired
by Keynes. $3.25. Read an
Note: For orders of 2-9 pamphlets, the price per pamphlet is the
same as the price of a single pamphlet. With the exception of what follows immediately
below, this supersedes any pricing information that may have been provided in copies of
any of the above pamphlets or elsewhere.
for delivery within the United States only)
If, like many people, you have been looking for something you personally can do to stem
the tide of irrationalism and promote the values you support, here is an excellent
opportunity for you. First, buy a copy of one or more of the nine pamphlets described
above. See if you do not agree that they present powerful, philosophically-based arguments
addressing leading issues of our time and are capable both of changing people's minds on
these issues and of opening them up to our wider philosophy. If you do agree, then write
back and place an order for fifty or more copies of these pamphlets at the special,
reduced price of $1 per copy on each title ordered in a minimum quantity of five. (Because
of its greater length and higher printing cost, no more than five copies can be included
of The Real Right to Medical Care Versus Socialized Medicine.) You can then use the
pamphlets as your own, personal intellectual ammunition, as intellectual bombshells, so to
speak, that you can send not only to friends and acquaintances who would benefit from
reading them, but also to newspaper and television reporters, government officials and
politicians, teachers and professors, and businessmen and professionals who need to hear
these ideas. In so doing, you personally join the fight to change our culture: you join in
the fight to spread our ideas outside our own ranks. (If you wish, of course, you can add
your own personal cover letter when you send a pamphlet, so that your contribution is even
more direct and personal.) These pamphlets are a serious weapon for fighting back. They
are long enough and powerfully enough argued to make a difference to anyone who reads
them. At the same time, they are short enough to be read. They can be your personal
intellectual weapons that you send to targets you select. True enough, many of them will
not be readyou will have fired off a shot and it will have missed. But you will be
firing back and sometimes you will score a hit. When your contribution is added to that of
several hundred or several thousand othersand there are that many of us nowit
can help to make a very significant difference. It could help to start turning the culture
around. (Please note that two restrictions apply to this offer: we must be able to send
the pamphlets all to the same address, and they must be used for distribution only, that
is, not for resale, except to bookstores or other retailers.)
Tell us in an
the names and quantities of the various specific pamphlets you want
to include in your order. (Kindly state your name and the date and please recall that no more than five copies of The Real
Right to Medical Care Versus Socialized Medicine can be included.)