Lectures on Psychology─on CDs.
All nine of Dr.
Packer's lectures described immediately below in their
original, audiotape versions selling for a combined
price of $182.55, are now available as a complete
set, in
mp3 format, on two CDs. The total running time of the CDs is
over 18 hours. Price: $99.95.
The Art of Introspection
Provides a
detailed analysis of the foundations of individual emotions and a method
of understanding the connection between emotions and conscious and
subconscious premises. Contains a broad-ranging Q&A on psychology. Total running
time is more than 3 hours. Price was: $29.95. Now available exclusively in
mp3 format along with all of Dr Packer's other eight lectures. Total
running time for the nine lectures is over 18 hours. Total price:
Pamphlet version, 20 pages, (no Q&A). $3.50. Read an excerpt.
This lecture, originally delivered at the Jefferson School's summer conference in 1993,
defines and analyzes the emotion of anger and its motivational role in an individual's
psychology and action. It differentiates anger from hostility and aggression. It deals
with the consequences of suppressed and repressed anger, and the manifestation of such
anger in psychosomatic symptoms. Finally, it recommends some appropriate ways of managing
anger, both emotionally and behaviorally. Total running time approximately 2
hours, combining the Q&A sessions from both the Los Angeles and New York
seminars. Price was $26.95. Now available exclusively in mp3 format
along with all of Dr Packer's other eight lectures. Total running time
for the nine lectures is over 18 hours. Total price:
Pamphlet version, 23 pages (no Q&A;) $4.25. Read an excerpt.
Happiness Skills
A discussion of the conscious and subconscious conclusions, attitudes, and skills
required for successful living and the achievement of a positive emotional state in
everyday life. Application is made to the four crucial areas of work, romantic
relationships, friendships, and leisure. Dr. Packer explains the importance of such
attitudes and skills as focusing on positive goals, thinking long range, holding
perspective, not exaggerating the significance of failure, not fearing negative emotions,
and commitment to action. Extensive Q&A. Total running time of approximately
2 hours and 20 minutes. Price was $26.95. Now available exclusively in
mp3 format along with all of Dr Packer's other eight lectures. Total
running time for the nine lectures is over 18 hours. Total price:
Pamphlet version, 22 pages (no Q&A). $4.25. Read an excerpt.
Understanding the
Shows how the automatic functioning of the subconscious rests on core
evaluations, which are fundamental, universalized evaluations based on concrete
experiences. Explains how core evaluations underlie our everyday integration of aspects of
reality and our emotional responses. No Q&A. Running time of 60 minutes.
Price was $12.95. Now available exclusively in mp3 format along with all
of Dr Packer's other eight lectures. Total running time for the nine
lectures is over 18 hours. Total price:
Pamphlet version, 16 pages (no Q&A). $3.25. Read an
Toward a Lasting Romantic
Relationship Part I
A comprehensive guide to creating and sustaining a romantic relationship. Offers
valuable advice on how to recognize both true compatibility and inappropriate methods of
choosing a mate, and explains the psychological basis of physical attraction between
people who barely know one another. Shows the importance of sex connected with love, the
necessity of each partner being the most important person in the other's life, and the
need for emotional communication between the partners and how to promote this. (A two-tape
set containing Q&A. Total running time of approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes).
Price was $26.95. Now available exclusively in mp3 format along with all
of Dr Packer's other eight lectures. Total running time for the nine
lectures is over 18 hours. Total price:
Pamphlet version, 22 pages (no Q&A). $4.25 Read an excerpt.
Toward a Lasting Romantic Relationship Part II
Shows how psychological problems create barriers to successful romantic relationships.
Covers factors that undercut one's sense of sexual identity, and examines the impediments
caused by defense values and defense mechanisms, especially repression. Also deals with
parental influencesboth psychological and existentialthat can harm a couple's
relationship, and explains what can be done about them. (With Q&A running time 90
minutes.) Price was $18.95. Now available exclusively in mp3 format along
with all of Dr Packer's other eight lectures. Total running time for the
nine lectures is over 18 hours. Total price:
Pamphlet version, 23 pages (no Q&A). $4.25. Read an excerpt.
The Role of Philosophy In Psychotherapy
Explains the need for a rational philosophical foundation in applying such concepts as
mental health and mental illness and in diagnosing and treating the psychological problems
of patients. (With Q&A, running time of 90 minutes.) Price was $18.95.
Now available exclusively in mp3 format along with all of Dr Packer's
other eight lectures. Total running time for the nine lectures is over
18 hours. Total price: $99.95.
Pamphlet version, 18 pages (no Q&A). $3.50. Read an excerpt.
The Obsessive-Compulsive Syndrome
Deals with the obsessive-compulsive defense mechanism, which gives the individual the
illusion of power and control. Dr. Packer describes the elements of the mechanism, its
causes, its use in everyday life, and the different varieties in which it appears. She
discusses the arbitrary, out-of-context shoulds that motivate the compulsive
personality, the compulsive personality's need for omniscience, its chronic doubting and
all-or-nothing attitude, and the special difficulties a compulsive personality
encounters in romantic relationships. (A two-tape set containing Q&A, total running
time of over 3 hours). Price was $26.95. Now available exclusively in mp3
format along with all of Dr Packer's other eight lectures. Total running
time for the nine lectures is over 18 hours. Total price:
Pamphlet version, 23 pages (no Q&A). $4.25. Read an excerpt.
The Psychological Requirements of a Free Society
Analyzes the psychological factors that predispose an individual to support or reject
capitalism. (Regrettably, the sound quality of this lecture is poor.) (90 min., including
Q&A). Price was $26.95. Now available exclusively in mp3 format along
with all of Dr Packer's other eight lectures. Total running time for the
nine lectures is over 18 hours. Total price:
Pamphlet version, 12 pages (no Q&A). $3.00. Read an excerpt.
An Interview with Edith Packer on Psychotherapy
The interview describes what it is like to undergo psychotherapy and what is required
to achieve improved psychological health. In addition, it discusses the difference between
core evaluations and explicit philosophical premises, and the significance of knowing
one's philosophy of life from a psychological perspective (by understanding one's core
evaluations.). Finally, it discusses the nature of defense values and role playing, and
how even a philosophy such as Objectivism can be held in one's psychology as a defense
value. (Pamphlet only.) $4.25. Read an excerpt.
To order the pamphlet version of An Interview with Edith
Packer on Psychotherapy, press the "Put in Shopping Cart" button
immediately below.
To order all of Dr. Packer's
lectures in mp3 format at the reduced price of $99.95, press
the "Put in Shopping Cart" button immediately below.
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